Ashtanga Enthusiast Gathering 8-10 SEP 2023

This is a non-commercial gathering of Ashtanga enthusiasts and teachers from all backgrounds, schools and places. We meet at the amazing "Spreefeld" in the heart of Berlin right on the banks of Spree river between Jannowitzbrücke and Ostbahnhof.

We will have a daily big mysore style class taught by as many teachers as needed. In addition there are pranayama sessions, discussions on yoga philosophy and other topics such as “the development of Ashtanga”, “common good economy”, “yoga and social-ecology”, "climate change". We will speak about different strategies to avoid Ashtanga injuries in teaching and practice and all matters that come up in the discussions. 

The most important part is the in-between, the meeting and getting-to-know of each other between the sessions, the exchange of experiences, ideas and dreams. 

This is a call to all open-minded Ashtanga teachers and practitioners to share their experiences with all sorts of Yoga practices and discuss what is close to their hearts. May it be asana topics, philosophy, pranayama...

The financial side

This event is non-profit and donation based. We just have to charge enough for covering two dinners (precious meeting time!!!), location cost, travel and accommodation expenses for participating teachers and whatever else costs money. 

The vision

Listen to a short podcast about how this event came into existence (sorry, only in German).

Grischa, the founder of Ashtanga Yoga Berlin fell in love with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga more than two decades ago. It was a fascinating entry point to the vast ocean of Yogic ideas and practices with a far spread, open minded community of practitioners and teachers.

Today we find a scattered landscape of various schools and teachers even among Ashtanga studios. There is almost no communication, no exchange of ideas and experience. The logic of capitalism seems to turn even ancient traditions such as Yoga into an empty marketing facade. Nowadays "Yoga" seems to justify and promote a superficial, selfish, and in many ways destructive lifestyle  - exactly opposite to the original Yoga as described in the ancient scriptures. 

Let's discuss how Yoga can improve how we deal with each other and the planet - rather than making things even worse. Yogic ethics (yamas and niyamas) are meant to be the fruitful soil of all our practices, teachings, communications and in fact every minute of our lives. Let's build a tradition and community in which different perspectives integrate and no longer separate. Let's establish exchange among yoga teachers and students to support each other rather than cultivating borders based on selfishness and fear. Let's make Ashtanga and Yoga in general a better place!

Everyone is welcome to join and support this project. If you have questions join our Telegram group or send an email to [email protected]


Mysore Practice

Mysore practice with ~5+ teachers and 50 practitioners. 


Study different topics such as Yoga Philosophy, how to avoid and overcome typical injuries...


Let's discuss the future of Yoga. Is it really just about achieving pose after pose? How can we transform ourselves and Yoga in general to have a positive impact on society and maybe even our planet?


Manfred Gauper Munich (D)

Manfred started his Ashtanga practice around 1997 and studied with various teachers around the world, David Swenson, Nancy Gilgoff, John Scott, Maty Ezraty and Chuck Miller...

Inke Shenar Hamburg (D)

Inke's main teachers are John Scott, Sharath R. Jois, O.P. Tiwari and Sudhir Tiwari. She has met other great and inspiring teachers over the past 22 years, but these people have had the greatest impact on me and my work.

Grischa Steffin Berlin (D)

Grischa is teaching traditional Mysore Ashtanga since 2001 and opened Ashtanga Yoga Berlin in 2004. He has studied with various senior teachers until he found his main teacher Richard Freeman.

Lubosch Bublak Kiel (D)

Lubosch has 20 years experience in teaching. Precision on the mat leads to clearness, patience and calmness. His goal is making Ashtanga accessible for everyone.

Michael Pahle Berlin

Michael Pahle practices Ashtanga since 2007 @ Ashtanga Berlin. He is head of the working group “Climate and Energy Policy” at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

He holds a PhD in economics from TU Berlin. His research focuses on emission trading systems, public support for carbon pricing, and regulatory frameworks to achieve net-zero.

Marcel Laudahn Bremen (D)

Since the late 1990's, Marcell has worked extensively with many different teachers around the world. The most influential were Sri Rudra Dev, Lance Schuler, William Holtby, Manu Jois, Dr. Ronald Steiner, Anna Trökes and Eberhard Bärr.

Through his unconventional and interdisciplinary approach, Marcell imparts traditional yoga knowledge, which can easily be transferred to modern times and western culture

Eva Marx

Ashtanga-Yoga has been a main constant in Eva’s life for 10 years already. It’s philosophy and mind work influence her work as a systemic and team coach. She is dedicated to support people in finding purpose and joy.

Michael LaFond (Berlin)

Michael is a multidisciplinary independent working at the intersections of common good and collective ownership - studying relationships between yoga and life - working with social ecology, emphasizing dialogue, self-organization and local urban initiatives, community development and conviviality. Personally active for decades with Community-Led Housing. Founder of the Institute for Creative Sustainability. Since 2011 involved in the development of the Spreefeld Housing Cooperative as well as the Spreeacker initiative with its edible landscapes and food forests.

YOU Become part of it now!

Please contact us if you would like to join teaching with us. Mysore classes? A workshop? A talk? Let us know!



16 - 18 Mysore Practice

18 - 21 Kickoff Meeting

  • Intro panel & discussion
  • Indian Buffet


8 - 9 Guided Pranayama

9 - 11 Mysore Practice

11 - 12 Potluck / Brunch

12 - 14 The roots of Yoga
Impulse talk: What is Yoga and how to use the ancient scriptures as a practical guide
Discussion and questions

14 - 16 Meeting time
Meet each other, get tipps and insights from teachers, take a swim, maybe Sauna...

16 - 18 Yoga: from problem to solution
Impulse talks on climate-, ecological- and the economical crisis. About responsibility and why Yoga should make a difference!

18 - 19 Dinner

19 - Open time and party!  


8 - 9 Guided Pranayama

9- 11 Mysore Practice

11 - 12 Potluck / Brunch

12 - 14 Ashtanga and Injuries
Panel discussion
- Harmful practice patterns
- Practical examples

14 - 16 The future of Ashtanga
This is maybe the most exciting of all sessions. Let's become creative and create ideas how to unleash the transformative power of Yoga in a toxic world of egoism, commercialization and sectarianism? 

Open Meeting time
More free time to ask questions to the teachers who don't have to run home immediately...

Location - Spreefeld (Berlin X-Berg/Mitte)

Spreefeld is an awesome location right on the banks of the Spree river. The large industrial style Yoga hall with its special wooden floor can easily fit 50 practitioners for the Mysore practice. A Sauna and small "nature-swimming-pool" welcome us after practice. We will eat breakfast and dinner together in the separate dining hall and can relax in the garden and boat house.

This is the maps location for the practice space.

Location Information

  • Spreefeld Berlin
  • Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, Berlin, Berlin, 10179 DE

Register for the event

IMPORTANT: In addition to registering please enter your name and other information in this google form. You will be asked which days you participate and which dinners you would like to join:

Also please join the Telegram group: to:

  • find a place to stay in Berlin
  • offer your couch for practitioners from other places!
  • get to know each other before the gathering, to share your ideas and dreams with us. 

Pricing considerations!

All prices contain 2 dinners (by Spreefeld catering and/or our favorite Indian vegetarian restaurand in Kreuzberg).
Please be fair when evaluating your own income. We calculated the average of your payments to be around the "normal" rate. If you are able to spend money on workshops, travel or party we hope you also value our tremendous efforts. 

Please try to come for the whole weekend. If that's not possible use the "sponsor" button for any arbitrary amount you find reasonable. 

Travel considerations

Please only travel by train, bus or shared car. Don't let Yoga ever be an excuse for the excessive air travel CO2 emissions. We can't heal ourselves by destroying the planet.


Sponsored rate

Sponsored ticket for people with an extremely tight budget.


Low Income rate

This is for you if your income is manageable...


Normal Income

This is for you if have a regular job and don't consider a daily cappuccino as luxury.


Sponsor Ticket

If you have a good income please help us sponsoring the tickets for people with lower income.

Total: €0.00


Pay with PayPal APP (via Ashtanga Yoga Berlin)

You need the PayPal APP on your phone for this: Scan the qr icon (opens required paypal app, click also works sometimes).  Alternatively send money to [email protected] but please add a few Euros for the high PayPal fees if possible.


low income



We will send you a confirmation by email.

Pay by Credit Card (via Ashtanga Yoga Berlin)

This form uses Ashtanga Yoga Berlin's Stripe account to credit your card. You get a confirmation for the transaction by email.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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